Mr. Ashraf Qazi is an entrepreneur and seasoned business executive. He founded The Ciena Group in Southfield, Michigan with a focus on providing quality long term care. He is currently the owner, President, and CEO of Ciena Healthcare of Michigan and Laurel Health Care Company of Ohio- leading innovators and providers of skilled nursing and rehabilitation care. Under Mr. Qazi’s leadership, the Ciena Group owns and manages 72 skilled nursing facilities with over 8,000 beds, located in five States, including Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, and Indiana. Combined Revenues are in excess of USD 700 million with a work force of over 10,000 employees
Over the last two decades, Mr. Qazi has established and successfully operated numerous business ventures in healthcare and other sectors. He serves as Chairman of SSJD Group, a leading independent energy supplier for indigenous fossil fuel and renewable energy in Pakistan. Additionally, he owns a medical management software company, Sequel Systems, based in New York, with back offices in Lahore, Pakistan. Recently, Mr. Qazi acquired a 30% ownership interest in Nayatel (Pvt) Ltd., a leading fiber optic telecom provider in Pakistan. In 2011, Nayatel was ranked second among the country’s top 25 fastest growing companies. Additionally, Mr. Qazi has ownership interests in several businesses in the US, Middle East and Southeast Asia, including the establishment of Pakistan Innovation Fund that was launched recently to help fund young and promising start-ups in Pakistan.
Mr. Qazi is the founder and Chairman of the Qazi Foundation, a family foundation registered in the United States and as a nonprofit in Pakistan. The foundation pursues worthy and charitable causes in the areas of healthcare, education and micro credit (Karze Hassna) by working in conjunction with implementing partners such as “Akhuwat” and “Helping Hands”. He is also a founder and Chairman of the Council on Pakistan Relations, an advocacy organization based in Washington, DC
Additionally, Mr. Qazi serves on the Board of Directors for Beverly Hills Academy School, a unique educational institution in Michigan. He is also a board member of Healthcare Association of Michigan (HCAM), an affiliate of American Healthcare Association (AHCA), a national trade association representing the nursing and rehabilitation facilities across the United States. Mr. Qazi graduated from Daemen College in Amherst, NY, in 1990 with a degree in Physical Therapy
Internationally, Mr. Qazi is actively seeking ways to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Pakistan through his work with the Council on US-Pakistan Relations and the Atlantic Council.
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Zaigham Adil Rizvi is a qualified Electrical Engineer having Double Masters in Economics and Computer Engineering with honors from renowned Universities in Pakistan.
He has served Pakistan Railways for 23 years till 1999, last being Chief Electrical Engineer. His experience with Pakistan Railways has earned him accolades with several recognitions for his research work.
Since 1999, Mr. Zaigham is associated with National Steel Complex Limited (NSCL) and has served at various senior level positions, Under him TIEPCO (An Electrical Goods Manufacturing Unit of NSCL) went through several successful up-gradations where his technical knowledge proved to be decisive and the company turned around as a highly reputable and profitable venture. In 2006, Mr. Zaigham was posted as the Director Projects of National Steel Complex Limited and led the construction and successful commissioning of the first DRI Plant of Pakistan having a capacity of 1.5 MTPA.
Currently, Mr. Zaigham is working as the CEO of Alhadeed Pelletization Company Limited in addition to his responsibilities as CEO National Steel Complex Limited. He is instrumental in spearheading this bold initiative of developing Pakistan`s First large Scale Iron Ore Beneficiation and Pelletization Plants on the concept of Transfer of Technology (ToT).